Rough Draft Project 1

The rough Draft have not got the all the information and detail to put in this writing for the this draft. This how i tell in my on way of writing then and my a few error in the writing there.


On the road again


I believe on travel on the road for this believe essay. What is to feel on the road with


the wind on your face. When I feel like to travel to another state to see what states have that


are different then are. My grandmother travel a lot to spent time in there for a church thing.


 When my grandmother ask if “I go with to a another state” I feel be on the road again once




There is time people save their money to be on the road. People travel lot if are like


vacations, business, or family things. I keep thinking why do we travel to places for our own


interest? There are reason that we travel some of use like to learn a new some there cultures


and language we can understand them more easy. For my reason to travel is one day I well visit  


France the city of light.


Toddler like to walk around to know their surroundings show there


travel wonder of home little by little. Everyone love to travel most is to enjoy life of what we in


them and places. For me and my grandmother is to having an adventure to different places in


memories to remember the we have fun in there. There are time people forgot what place


there in for a reason to get a way of something like stress.


            When you start to travel early in the morning you will see a beautiful sunrise in the


horizon. There are place to enjoy the peaceful morning sky like mountains or waterfalls.


If you read a Dr. Seuss “Oh the place you can go” if like to travel in different place in the air, car


ride, bus, train, or boat. If you want to have fun in your travel found some to entrainments you


and your family. If you on the road while travel do not have no distract in the road or you spend




            Why do people called on the road again? Wil travel for so long they on the road like


month or so. If you are truck driver they can go every place they can in there delivery. If you


dream go to place that you what save some money for the place that there dream. On the road


again is not privilege, you go time, date, or month. That is what is on the road is for like travel


every place you need take in life.


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