
Showing posts from November, 2020

You Can Grow Your Brain Reading Response

The second reading response is You Can Grow Your Brain. This reading tells about how our brain grows when we learn something new. You Can Grow Your Brain   This reading response is talking about how your brain grows. It is telling our mind that is born smart, average, or dumb a lot of people that the way of life. But a lot of users don’t know that we learn or practice something new are my grow larger in the process. Scientists study the brain of animals that of a way of learning something while the play. Scientists learn that if we juggling a ball we get better at it than learn the way of math. The only way to get better at juggling is for someone to have to teach us how to juggle the right way.   While I was reading the article it has a lot of paraphrases in the article. They have given us a way that saying in the tone what the writer is talking about. It tells the readers that way how to paraphrase how we speak about our brain of the way in processing. For example, if we tel...

Michael Bank Reading Response

The first reading response is Michael Bank that talks about Mexican what to be treated equally. I chose to be in my post to be my favorite reading. Michael Bank Reading Response   Michael is a student that volunteered through a school program to be a delivery to give free lunch to Mexican workers. So Michael writes an exploratory essay to research legal status to know more about it. He started writing about Amnesty from America magazine by John F. Kavanaugh a Jesuit priest and  Professor of St. Louis University. Michael is learning about the right of illegal immigrants that don’t have given legal status. He read the next article about ” Why Blame Mexico?” by Fred Reed. Michael can’t grab the information he needs because it was jumping around in the article he read. The more he read and search the more understanding about the immigration of Mexican.   I am interested in how Michael is to know more about the Mexican that was not treat right as an American citizen to wo...

Project 3 Rough Draft

This is my rough draft. In it, I have the basic plan for my essay. I find an Ad in image. My instructor said I did a great job on it, but have to changes some of my LOCs. After I wrote this, I changed the items in yellow and a lot more add, wording, and adding verbs.   Laandra Rochell    Aktkins -Gordeeva   Comp 1   16   November 2020     Are   We Good at Math  A    lot of people are good at math other than not good at it at all. People learn differently in solving problems. Some people learn the easy way or the hard way to solve problems.    In my lifetime, I was not good at math   when I was small. Because I was   a hard learner   in   math. I thought I wasn’t good at math   till middle school   after I became basic at math   to   average. Some of my classmates   in math   went up a level, go down, or stay in the same place.   I was thinking to myself   to...

Rough Draft Project 2

This is my rough draft. In it, I have the basic plan for my essay. I find an Ad in image. My instructor said I use verbal feedback I gave you to improve your essay. After I wrote this, I changed the items in yellow and a lot more add, wording, and adding verbs.   Laandra Rochell  Atkins Comp 1 October 10, 2020 Quit Smoking Inspiring You Do you have a family member or someone you care about is a smoker? Does someone you know have cancer or another disease from smoking? This a life chance that will help someone quit with some inspiration for the confident movement. Don’t let cigarette control your life, let some help from a friend or family member aid. Families are worried about their loved ones if they can’t quit while they have the chance.  The Ad lets kids inspire us to quit smoking for them. There is a woman who is smiling like she has won a battle. Her eye tells you says that look at this drawing that my son created. The woman’s skin is reflected in the light like...